Monday, February 4, 2008

It's all in our heads...

A MetLife survey found that 85% of individuals feel the US economy is heading in a worse direction in 2008 than it was in 2007.

Yet, the same survey found that 85% of individuals feel their own financial situation will be as good or better in 2008 than from 2007.

Could it be that most of us are doing fine, but that we're hearing the relentless recession talk and we're drinking the Kool-Aid?

(HT: Real Time Economics)


Kyle Wolfe said...

I think we have to realize that people's "thoughts" and "opinions" are just those and nothing more. Some may say they are substantial but in the end the numbers tell the story. Like the guide at the Fed said, consumer sentiment is nothing because what really matters is actual consumption.


Nice evaluation