Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Bowl

Did the Giants' victory tonight throw all recession fears out the window? Probably not, but when an original NFL team (Giants) wins the Super Bowl the Dow is on average up 14.7% compared to an average return of -2.8% when an AFL team (Patriots) wins. Is this just dumb luck or is there something behind the so called "Super Bowl" effect? I think there might be especially in the modern era when the NFL has become so embedded into society. Most original NFL teams were started in the largest cities and they have enormous fan bases. People get very excited when their team wins and they go out and buy merchandise and are in general happier people which is good for the economy. But what about all the New England fans? Well they may not be happy, but they can throw down the ultimate excuse: "It's just a game."

Obviously this is not a cause and effect relationship, but it may contribute slightly along with other effects to a healthy economy. Please share your opinions and thoughts on this interesting topic!


Kyle Wolfe said...

I don't know how to explain the reaction from the fans of the losing team, but here is my story. The year the Detroit Tigers went to the World Series I went to over 10 games and bought merchandise (a hat and a shirt). After they lost the World Series, I was devastated and my consumption patterns have changed. Last year I went to about 6 games and didn't buy any merchandise, and I guarantee had they won the World Series I would have went to more games and bought something to commemorate their victory. For some fans like me sports are more than just a game.

Anonymous said...

your explanation here actually changes my opinion from "no way" to "its possible"


Great bowl